Sunday, January 31, 2010

harem pants

Br lepas mandi. Mind u its already 4:07pm and br mandi pagi?? haa after smua itu terjadi K pengsan,butter prawn tak jadi and anak makan johnson's baby oil........i start blogging sambil K and hangel sleep. then i have time to take my own-me-time mandi...nikmat.
Byk benda fikir masa mandi. ish hati ni asik nak cakap jer and otak asik nak fikir jer. Btw i seriously need to buy a sewing machine. I just need it! dulu2 blaja engineering and sampai pecah kepala buat final year project. Then keje engineer ish n now nak jahit bajuuuuu
Emak gelak bile call and tell her i nak blaja menjahit. ish tak mengencourage langsung. Emak saya buat keje slow motion lain dgn mak mentua. Comparison Emak (my mother) and Mak mentua.

Emak MIL
Slow motion - buat keje satu2 and jalan comey sebab kaki pendek hehe nasib mak tak baca blog nie hehe Ligat - buat keje lajuu makan mcm tak kunyah terus telan gulp gulp and cakap pun bersungguh2 nasib baik juga Mother-In-Law tak baca blog!
Penyabar - tahap sabar paling agung dlm dunia saya bagi award! Tak penah dgr membebel dkt anak and marah boleh kira dgn jari sepanjang umur saya 28thn nie! Anak dia in other hand baru setahun jagung ehh perasan mudaa tak ingat bile membebel! Penyabar tapi membebel - haa mil sabar boleh thn tapi tak boleh lawan emak (pilih kasih disitu hehe but betulll) tapi membebel@nasihat non stop. Saya boleh bagi award penasihat terbaik! Nak hire consultant boleh tak payah bayar consultation charge sbb dia sanggup kasi foc punye ;)
Masak byk masakan pedas - sbb ayah saya hantu makan pedas Masak tak pedas - sup sgt terrer masak
Hidup relax - taknak risiko byk2 plan retire nak duduk rumah relax Hidup taknak relax - dah retire mengajar tuition
X suka travel - tapi sampai jugak paris, london, china, bangkok, Mekah alhamdulillah, Indon ish konpius disitu Suka travel sangattt suka ok sampai every year sampai 2@3 buah negara dilawati
x pantang - Saya boleh buat apa saja diruma saya meaning mmg takde pantang larang punyeee pantang = banyak pantang larang. Kalau jaga anak kene mcm nie and kalau nak hidup x stress kene organize yerr

But takpe saya kan suka art tibe tibe lukisan satupun takde kat rumah huhu* Benda pertama nak jahit adalah harem pants drool* drool *

From wikipedia:
Harem pants (also known as Hammer pants) are baggy pants tapered at the ankle, with side flaps on the hip that button at the waist area. The popularity of harem pants increased in the late 1980s with MC Hammer.[1]

Harem pants, which originated in India, are like a cross between a skirt and a pair of skinny jeans. The legs, from the knees down, are fitted. The crotch area is loose and baggy as if it were cut to be a skirt.[2] Traditional harem pants can be extremely large and baggy, with a very wide and full fit, very roomy, loose fitting, oversized, puffy, spacious, with elastic in waist and at ankles, and with the crotch below the knee almost to the ground.

But seriously i have no idea Harem pants inspire by MC Hammer?? ish tak best but anyhoo i do think its look like aladdin! :)

tengoklah bile dah beli machine jahit nnti good luck for me then

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Blogging from PIL's hse. Started my day quite late. I woke up at 10am not good* not good* . Hubby and me plan to cook chinese style for today. So we left lil hangel with opah and tok and straight to Tesco. Bought Siakap and Pak Choy and prawns!
Balik rumah hangel dah start menangis mind u she's attention seeker hehe. Siapkan susu and naik atas plan nak tidokan dia. N it took more than 30min and she's not even sleep! K (the hubby) naik and ask me:
K : B, how to cook the butter prawn
Me : i dont know how to tell u, cuz this is my first time nak try
K : ok then u kene masak now cuz siakap stim dah siap
Me : Ok i turun now

then i try with 1 egg yolk and whisk with susu caik.

K : u buang masaler gune 1 telur jeer
Me : I nak try dulu takut tak jadi plak
Walla jadi ok sgt CUN huhu

ok now i dah confidence enuff and try with 6 telur and whisk with susu cair. hangel dah start nangis and tibe2..................

K : B, hangel makan johnson's oil
Me : Ya allah

tiba2 opah dtg and dukung and kasi water and try mandikan.......sambil hangel nangis non stop
im a bit stressed out......
but tangan still sibuk kacau the telur nak kasi die bersarang sarang............after 10min

K : asal tak bersarang?
Me : huh i have no idea, i just cant think of any. Dont ask me

terus hidangkan the butter prawn and naik atas
K tgh marah2 hangel. Both of us ignoring each other. I try amik hangel and ask K to turun and eat lunch. I just nak kemaskan barang everything and tidokan hangel. Tiba2 K jatuhhh........... i terkejut and jerit panggil maksu!
a few minutes later K sedar and i ask him to baring. he refuse and wanna turun makan and he warned me not to tell anyone. I turun and suapkan hangel lunch and when he left i told mama everything. Usually after luch or dinner kitorg akan lepak2 dkt ruang tamu and discuss about everything. But today we discuss totally about the incident K jatuh pengsan. Banyak benda yang i fikir skrg:

1. Our life (K and me) adalah sgt hectic.
Bgn Pagi hantar hangel to BBCter hse (on his way to work)
His nature of work - travel morn till noon
Finish work at 615pm everyday
8pm - 10pm he got tuition - part time as a tuition teacher :)
Reach home usually at 11pm
Early morning siapkan barang anak
530pm finish work and fetch hangel from BBCter hse.
930pm sleep with hangle

2. Weekend
I will usually cook dinner on Friday :)
Do the laundry
kemas rumah
Prepare breakfast and pack our stuff
stay over PIL's hse till sunday
Back home and cook dinner

I dont know about other ppl. But sumtimes i do feel my life a bit stresfull. Thats the reason i wanna write a blog. Its my journey to be happy and organize. As a wife, mother and employee i dont wanna waste my time with all the unnecessary stress on a daily basis. Define unnecessary stress my dictionary*
1. Campak car and hse keys dlm handbag. Abis shopping terkial-kial cari dlm bag!
2. Bangun pagi baru nak cari brg2 anak nak antar ke bbcter
3. Terkejar sana sini when week-end. We had enuff of stress on weekdays! i just figire out the reason K and me feel this way is because we are not happy with our small hse. We need a space. We need a bigger hse.

What should i do to be un-stress-ful person :
1. Organize thing properly. I need to buy a small purse for my car and hse keys ( i think i should buy a cK small purse stand for car key ahh am i genius, god bless me)
2. I need to wake up a lil bit early than usual. I have to force myself wake up at 630am everyday! patutler teruknye slalu almost 7am br bgn! there u go my subuh dinosour not good* not good*
3. I have to force my family to enjoy our family time in our own crib! i should buy a bigger hse and furnish with all nice and of cuz affordable within our budget! i mean I and K!!! not me myself
4. Taknak gaduh anymore with my other half! I love him.
5. I wanna be grateful for what i have and i wanna have a hobby!

Hobby ?
nak mesin jahit and nak jahit macam2 :
my own pyjama
my hubby - boxer no?
my hangel skirt
langsir bilik maid - sbb takut jadi buruk kene letak bilik maid hehe
*maid takde lagi haa ni lagi satu stress benda takde dah berangan macam ade! huish*

thats the reason i wanna have my online journal. Its my diary! and my determintaion to be a better person insyallah.

* sorry to those yang terasa, i have no intention but 100% its all about me and my life*
* cheers to better me*